Monday, January 22, 2007

Engaging In Education

One of the major question while teaching in class room, are we as teachers really engaging with the students. If we fail to engage with the students the message we want to deliver to the students will not received or absorb by them. This the cause why the students find the class is boring or not interesting. One of the way to engage the students is with integrating the technology such as Integrated White Board. But at the same time we should bare in the mind integrating technology is not something that we use technology for the sake of using it.
This is one of the link that contains some information how to engage the students in class room :

1 comment:

Maznah said...

I'm happy to hear that you appreciate the things we do in the class. Do let us know what else you want to know. Thanks also for posting the link. do me a favor share the links by posting it in the link folder in our class yahoo group. Tq